該劇改編自真實事件。1988年12月21日,倫敦飛往紐約的泛美航空103號班機遭遇恐怖襲擊,造成259名乘客和機組人員喪生,另有11名洛克比當地居民死亡。Jim Swire博士(科林·費爾斯 Colin Firth 飾)的女兒也在洛克比空難中遇難,他被提名為英國受害者家屬的發言人,竭盡全力調查空難真相。
5.0 甜豌豆第一季
1.0 大男人
3.0 主要目標
10.0 警探維斯廷第四季
2024 海外簡介:The new season returns to Larvik on a seemingly idyllic summer evening at the Greenwood family. But the following morning, a hotel employee is found murdered, and a six-year-old British boy, Clifford Greenwood, has disappeared without a trace. The family receives a ransom demand and cryptic messages from the kidnapper, and when family secrets are revealed, Wisting suspects that... -
8.0 菜鳥老警第七季
1.0 匿名愛情互助會