在第12部故事片中,艾曼紐·莫雷特(Emmanuel Mouret)展示了三個有著不同態度和道德觀念的親密女性之間的愛情變化,她們捍衛自己的觀點,主張自己的愛情選擇。喬安娜離開了女兒的父親維克多。盡管她相信自己的決定在道德上是正確的,但她還是忍受著可怕的后果。他最好的朋友桑德琳提倡一種理性的婚姻,一種沒有愛但充滿溫柔的關系。與此同時,喬安娜的妹妹麗貝卡相信愛情是一種冒險,并與桑德琳的伴侶保持著一段秘密關系。
7.0 死亡不是終點
2025 劇情簡介:Following the tragic death of his wife, Jon struggles with feelings of guilt when he starts an affair with the enigmatic Red. As he comes closer and closer to Red in a psychologically probing and mutually abusive relationship, Jon begins to question what exactly happened the night his wife killed herself. With the Stutter, a haunting echo seemingly everywhere around him blurrin... -
6.0 永遠超級幸福
5.0 心靈家園
1.0 深山狙擊
4.0 圓2024
3.0 一勝